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Application Reports Index


Trench excavation - splitting machines replace explosives

The Job:

Modernizing an aging sewer system in near the Royal Theatre in Stockholm, Sweden. During excavate of a trench workers suddenly struck solid rock, which extended over a distance of 30 m. This defeated conventional attempts of excavation. The volume of the rock amounted to 100 m3.

The Requirements:

The use of explosives was ruled out for a number of reasons, i.e.

  • Possible damage to an underground transformer station.
  • An antique shop, containing valuable furniture and objects of art was located in the immediate vicinity.
  • Surrounding buildings would have had to be protected and pedestrians and traffic diverted.
The Solution:

Darda offered a quick, economical solution to the problem with the use of two splitting cylinders and a diesel power unit. Both splitting cylinders together developed a splitting force of 640 tons. The rock was rapidly removed, enabling the workers to continue the trench-digging operation.